Всекидневният прием на мултивитамини не в свързан с намален риск от сърдечно- съдови инциденти
By Kelly Young
Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH
Taking a daily multivitamin is not associated with lower risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes, according to a meta-analysis in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
Researchers examined use of multivitamin supplements (containing at least three vitamins and minerals) and cardiovascular outcomes using data from 18 randomized trials and prospective cohort studies of 2 million adults.
During a mean follow-up of 12 years, multivitamin use was not associated with risk for death from cardiovascular disease, stroke, or coronary heart disease, or with risk for incident stroke. There was a 12% reduced risk for incident coronary heart disease, but the association was significant only in observational studies.
Editorialists conclude: “Now that diets are more varied, supplemented, and fortified, diseases of frank vitamin deficiency are rare, and the most commonly occurring diseases have a multifactorial etiology. It may be unlikely for a supplement ingested once a day to confer a health benefit, and the study … provides no reason to take one.”