ИТМ над 23 свързан с по-тежко протичане на Ковид-19

ИТМ над 23 свързан с по-тежко протичане на Ковид-19

BMI Above 23 Linked to Worse COVID-19 Outcomes

By Kelly Young

Edited by André Sofair, MD, MPH, and William E. Chavey, MD, MS

Higher body-mass index is associated with increased risk for severe COVID-19–related outcomes, even at a BMI considered a healthy weight, according to a retrospective study in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

Researchers gathered data on 6.9 million general practice patients aged 20 to 99 in the U.K. From January to April 2020, 13,500 patients were admitted to the hospital for COVID-19, 1600 were admitted to the ICU, and 5500 people died from COVID-19.

Each BMI unit above 23 kg/m2 was associated with significantly increased risk for hospital admission (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.05), ICU admission (HR, 1.10), and death (HR, 1.04). (A BMI of 25 and above is considered overweight.) The association was J-shaped for hospital admission and death (with BMIs lower than 23 also having increased risk), but linear for ICU admission. BMI appeared to have a larger effect in people aged 20 to 39 and in Black people.

The authors emphasize that “excess weight is associated with substantially increased risks of severe COVID-19 outcomes, and one of the most important modifiable risk factors identified to date.”


The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology article (Free)

NEJM Journal Watch COVID-19 page (Free)

NEJM COVID-19 page (Free)